jeudi 30 mai 2013


                                     ESCROQUERIE EN BANDE ORGANISEE !

Les trois juges d’instruction du pôle financier de Paris, après avoir placé Christine LAGARDE sous le régime de « témoin assisté », viennent de mettre en examen l’ancien président de la Cour d’Appel de Versailles, Pierre ESTOUP, en sa qualité de juge arbitre dans le contentieux « Crédit Lyonnais – TAPIE » à la suite de la décision arbitrale du 28 juillet 2008. Le chef de mise en examen n’est pas moins que celui d’ «escroquerie en bande organisée».
S’agissant d’un ancien magistrat mis en cause par ses pairs le cas est tout à fait exceptionnel.
Si tout mis en examen doit être présumé innocent force est de constater l’escalade et que dans de telles circonstances c’est un présumé coupable qui est livré sur la place publique. Et certainement pas l’unique et qu’une longue liste de personnalités doivent s’attendre, à leur tour, à être mis en examen dans les jours et semaines à venir. En effet le titre même du chef de mise en examen est explicite et sa traduction, plus vulgaire, serait :
bande organisée d’escrocs. Dans toute bande organisée en vue de commettre une escroquerie aux dépends d’un tiers, en l’occurrence l’Etat et les deniers publics, il faut distinguer les exécutants des commanditaires.
Les exécutants sont, bien sur, les trois juges arbitres qui pour leur travail ont, chacun, reçu la coquette somme de trois cent mille euros (d’aucuns évoqueront un million d’euros ?). Outre Pierre ESTOUP, Pierre MAZEAUD, pas moins qu’un ancien président du Conseil Constitutionnel et Jean Denis BREDIN avocat et académicien.
Mais aussi Jean François ROCCHI, ex président du CDR (Crédit Lyonnais) et Bernard SCEMAMA, président de l’Etablissement public de Financement et de Restructuration. Ces derniers disposaient d’un arrêt de la Cour d’Appel limitant à 145 millions d’euros (contre 403 dans la sentence arbitrale) la condamnation du consortium. Pourquoi avoir abandonner cet avantage de l’Etat ?
Ainsi que Christine LAGARDE, ex ministre des finances, qui va ordonner à son ministère, 15 jours à peine après la décision arbitrale, de ne former aucun recours contre elle ?
Ajoutons Claude GUEANT, alors secrétaire général de l’Elysée, qui n’en est plus à une casserole près.
Voyons maintenant qui pourraient être les « commanditaires ».
Jean Louis BORLOO, ancien avocat d’affaire (il fut celui de Bernard TAPIE), familier des procédures d’arbitrage (pourtant réservées aux conflits privés). C’est lui qui, en tant que ministre des finances (occasionnel) semble bien avoir eu l’initiative du recours à l’arbitrage, suivant les déclarations de son propre chef de cabinet, Stéphane RICHARD. Arbitrage mis en oeuvre par Christine LAGARDE avec le même… chef de cabinet.
Bernard TAPIE. Il est le bénéficiaire de l’arbitrage. Avec la nomination de son ex avocat et ami, Jean Louis BORLOO devenu ministre des finances, qui peut douter qu’il ne se soit livré au « forcing » dont il a le secret.
Enfin Nicolas SARKOZY dont on sait, par son propre carnet de rendez-vous, qu’il a vu Bernard TAPIE… pas moins de18 fois dans les cinq mois qui ont suivi son élection jusqu’à la constitution du tribunal arbitral (25.10.2007).
En effet, dans le cadre de la Vème république, rien ne peut se faire sans le visa du président. D’autant plus s’agissant de l’omni présent Nicolas. Il fallait donc arriver à le persuader et Bernard TAPIE n’a pas manqué de s’y employer au cours de ces rendez-vous. Pour quelle contrepartie ? Avoir soutenu sa candidature à la présidence ? Qui peut y croire sans rire ! Une fois élu SARKOZY ne devait plus rien à personne !
On sait SARKOZY très sensible à l’argent, il ne s’en cache pas. Y aurait-il un pacte financier secret entre les deux hommes ? Sur des comptes off shore ? Tout ce que l’on sait est que Bernard TAPIE a transféré, prudemment, une grosse partie de ses avoirs issus de la sentence arbitrale au Luxembourg et à Monaco !
C’est ainsi qu’une affaire plus grave que l’affaire STAVISKY sous la IIIème république est en train d’éclater. Qu’il est troublant de trouver lié le nom de SARKOZY à plusieurs affaires synonymes d’argent, de beaucoup d’argent : campagne BALLADUR, BETTENCOURT, KHADAFI, et… TAPIE !

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jeudi 23 mai 2013



WILEY: pf ticket 11532677

CERN; inc 283878


In our two previous articles (04.23 and 05.05. 2013) we did point out that :
- 1°) atomic clock proof for relativity of time could be easily challenged by a simple experiment,
- 2°) there was another, more reliable, explanation for such registered atomic clock variation,
- 3°) the explanation seems to be linked to variations of local photons population
- 4°) and, finally that said variations obey to same law (Chéseau-Halley) that fourth Newton gravity one. For which we have to conclude there must be some links between photons and gravity.
We know too, thanks to Einstein, that acceleration generate an identical phenomenon as gravity does. But a more appropriate example (the one of elevator was short for full understanding) was still missing in Einstein theory to clarify the issue. Here is such one :
Let’s us figure we are having bath in a round swimming pool. This pool being furnished with water jets, all around. To start with we suppose that those jets are locked. Our sensation is the one of floating freely in the water, with zero gravity. And now if we open, together, all the vans of those jets the sensation would remain unchanged, each water jet being neutralized by an opposite one. In physics such situation is called "isotropic".
But what happen if we decide to unlock half part of the water jets ? The conditions are no longer isotropic and our body would be pushed toward the poolside were water jets remains locked. The situation in the pool is now described as "anisotropic".
All of us have experienced to set the hand in opposition with the air when moving with our car. The sensation is the one of a strong jet stream on our palm pushing back our hand. We could, as well, have such experiment with a water jet. But in the first case we were moving in an air medium at rest, when in the second case it’s the water which is moving when our hand is at rest (we may use air or water, or any fluids, to come with same results).
Here is a good example to understand how acceleration and gravity could end with same result.
But to link gravity to such example we have to admit the existence of some kind of medium in which Universe should be bathed (like us in our pool). This was the belief of ancient physicists and they call it "ether". But Einstein got rid of it (ether) and, therefore, was forced to come with a very complicate geometry theory (curving space) to test a better approach for gravity calculation. Refusing the hypothesis set up by quantum physicists of a mysterious and undetected particle, named "graviton", and its giant wave, supposed to be the alternative answer.
But if we consider that Einstein was wrong (and quantum physicists too) we have to suppose that such medium does, really, exist. Then we have a lot more simple solution to gravity understanding, as our previous example show up.
Such medium would just have to be made of energy particles having very tiny mass and poorly affected by electro-magnetic barrier set by baryonic matter. But, time to time, caught by atomics nucleus. Far away from any baryonic matter (stars, planets or black holes) the situation is isotropic, as a result zero gravity. But when coming closer to such corps, the situation should become anisotropic. Why? The particles crossing the heart of matter should face a greater density of nucleus and some of them are caught. Consequently less quantity of particles on their way out must face particles on their way in which means that the energy of pressure is lesser and the situation become anisotropic.

For which we have to come to a first conclusion which is that gravity should not be an attraction force, but a pressure one! And in the condition described above a pressure fall should be generated.

Those pressure falls are well known in air or water mediums. They are called, tornadoes, hurricanes or whirlpool. Their common character is their shape: a conic one. The proof for such cones in space is the ellipse orbit, discovered by Kepler, from which Einstein started his too complicate calculation to try to describe the curving space. But also for anybody just looking at a spiral galaxy picture.
As we now know, such particles does exist. They are called neutrinos and, may be, neutralinos (?). And we know too that 95% of Universe mass is made of black energy (75%) and black matter (20%). But more significant are photons, for which we may state that their density increase when coming closer to the constricted area of the cone (Chéseau-Halley law).
We have, then, to conclude that "ether" is a reality, some kind of fluid working at a particle level cause for all phenomena around us, such as gravity and orbiting.
We came to the same conclusion, few years ago, by another way, more simple and beautiful (see "

Relativity dead end"). Here it is:
We have to be back at the third century BC. A Greek mathematician, named Appollonius from Perga, working on conics found what figure was coming out when a flat was crossing a cone with various angle. Among them the imperfect figure of a circle which he named, for that reason, an "elleipsis".

So when Kepler, 19 centuries later, came to the conclusion that Mars orbit was not a circle but an ellipse, he should have been able to come to the right conclusion of an existing cone. And when Newton linked the orbiting phenomenon to gravity he could have, too, think to an existing hidden cone.
So we had to wait Einstein, two century later, working on the metrical tensor (Riemann geometry) to come closer to the solution and improve the calculation of Mercury orbit. To him the space had to be curved because there was no ether. From this miscalculation he didn’t found the final ellipse secret: gravity. But we fill strongly he was right not believing in quantum theory of "graviton".
As our concern, we fill lucky for this Einstein miscalculation which open the way to the right solution.
Here is ending our third article unveiling a part of the main secret in physics, gravity. But still has to be solved the issue of what "ether" is made of: black energy ? Black matter ? This task belongs to powerful organization such as the CERN.
To us a last issue remains unanswered, to which we could come with some clues, the one of "time". This will be our next and final article in the weeks to come.

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dimanche 5 mai 2013


WILEY: pf ticket 11532677

CERN; inc 283878


In our previous article, dated 04.24.2013, we highlight how relativity of time theory could be easily challenged with a simple experiment. We indicate, too, that atomic clock working was, probably, cause of general misleading when they looks to confirm the theory. Here is how ?
Let’s first remember the Chéseau-Halley law about stars luminosity: "

which is decreasing by the square of the distance from the source". This law has to be compared to 4th Newton one about gravity force which state that gravity is "… conversely proportional to the square of distance".
As we now know, light is made of photons particle, then we may assert that their quantity should increase when approaching the luminosity source and decrease when moving away. Such source being, obviously, a baryonic mass we may also assert that this increase of photons population has to be according to 4th Newton law when approaching mass gravity center, which is too the one of the light source. Therefore we have to deduct that

there must be some links between photons particle and gravity! The more gravity is the more photons population has to be.
Now, thanks to Albert Einstein, we know too that there is equivalency between gravity and acceleration. If so the variation of photons population must be related to the variation of acceleration.

We know that photons are member of the boson family. Likewise all bosons, photons have tendency to gather together in the same state, some sort of a mutual stimulus. This is the basic condition for laser working. Within such photons medium any excited atom will get less excited by giving out an additional photon coming to the same state that majority photons.
As the atomic clock characteristic is to be able to register transition energy level for such or such atoms, one may now consider that the atom great stability (ex: cesium) is set within a stable photons population. But no longer if photon population came to be modify.
Variation of such photons population would, therefore, affect the frequency stability of the atomic clock. And in fact atomic clock may be used to detect tectonic plate motion which cause local gravity change and then photons population variation.
We fill strongly here lie the explanation for the little gap registered between two identical clocks, one at rest the other in motion, rather than the relativity of time theory for which, in addition, we will found no clear definition of time in the theory (see "Relativity dead


But those atomic clock experiences were not in vain because they are an open gate to gravity force understanding. This understanding will be our next and final issue.


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